Career Counseling

A philosophy - Choose the subject and profession that you love, and you will never have to study or work a day in your life.

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A philosophy - Choose the subject and profession that you love, and you will never have to study or work a day in your life.

Sounds good! bulb.png

Hey! But at any given point of time during study or specific age, how can a student realize their love for subjects and plan their career?

Consulting a Career Counselor, yes, of course, can guide you to the deserving career path.

However, everyone is different and has their own mind and preferred belongings.

Career Counseling with the help of psychometric tests and IQ tests can assist students and professionals discover their own pathways to life.

Avoiding guidance at the beginning of the career can take you nowhere in life. And at the midway point in life, you remain alone with a feeling of regret.

Career counselors are your gateways, who open up the route to a better life and lucrative fortune for the students.

Given the fact, youths must get the career guidance to acquire the right education and skill based-training following the industry requirements.

UpSquil conducts Pre-Assessment, Psychometric, and IQ tests of students. These tests enable us to know about the students’ critical thinking, cognitive ability, behavioral attitude, etc.

What is a Psychometric Test?

Universities and industries prefer candidates who appeared for their Psychometric tests. The tests assist in evaluating a participant’s knowledge, personality traits, abilities, attitudes, skills, and eligibility-performance for a job/academic potential.


What is an IQ Test?

Experts believe that IQ tests portray someone’s ability to improve, the potential to think logically to solve problems, and consideration in hypothetical situations. The tests assist in diagnosing someone’s intellectual potential.

What are you waiting for?

Schedule an appointment with the UpSquil career counselor today!